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Interface Death

Posted by:  Brown

Interface Death is a science-based paranormal research organization that assists and educates the community concerning paranormal phenomena. We do extensive research with voice phenomena, instrumental trans-communication, parapsychology and spiritual manifestation. It is our mission to apply science to paranormal phenomena in order to remove the “para” from the paranormal by collecting data and discovering the mitigating factors that occur during paranormal events. By doing this, we can not only explain the physics behind the paranormal but predict and measure it in a way that is recognized by the scientific community.


Your Paranormal Group Name Interface Death
About your Paranormal Group Interface Death is a science-based paranormal research organization that assists and educates the community concerning paranormal phenomena. We do extensive research with voice phenomena, instrumental trans-communication, parapsychology and spiritual manifestation. It is our mission to apply science to paranormal phenomena in order to remove the “para” from the paranormal by collecting data and discovering the mitigating factors that occur during paranormal events. By doing this, we can not only explain the physics behind the paranormal but predict and measure it in a way that is recognized by the scientific community.
Paranormal Group
N. America
Full Paranormal ReportInterface Death is a science-based paranormal research organization based in Hillsboro, Ohio.

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