EctoVision Paranormal are a group of real paranormal investigators that strive intensely to raise awareness of real paranormal activity. Their mission is to share real unexplained phenomena along with documented historical facts.
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EctoVision Paranormal
66 videos
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EctoVision Paranormal
EctoVision Paranormal are a group of real paranormal investigators that strive intensely to raise awareness of real paranormal activity. Their mission is to share real unexplained phenomena along with documented historical facts. Some of the findings that they've been capture on to video and audio include shadow figures, partial apparitions, EVP (or electronic voice phenomena), electromagnetic field or EMF disturbances, and even objects moving on their own! Armed with state of the art equipment such as thermal imaging video, you will witness strange activity from various haunted locations that are thought to be inhabited by ghosts. EctoVision consistently seeks the truth regarding claims of unusual events. There unique and exciting methods include seances, psychic medium channeling, and sometimes entertaining spirits to encourage and evoke positive spirit interaction. The team invites you to join them on their investigations and adventures!
- Paranormal Investigation of The Hinsdale House
- Guest investigator Mike Rickseker with EVP
- Paranormal Investigation of The Monroe House
- Paranormal Investigation of The Randolph County Infirmary
- Videoz Only
- Paranormal Investigation of The Madison Seminary
- Scary paranormal investigation of Willoughby Coal & Supply | Scary video of real paranormal activity
- Paranormal Investigation of The Licking County Jail
- Paranormal Investigation of The Stagecoach Inn
- The Paranormal Investigation of Willoughby Coal & Supply Co.
- Paranormal Investigations
- The Kent Stage Investigation
- The Ohio State Reformatory
- The Knickerbocker Hotel
- Undisclosed Residence C
- Groove E Juice
- Mill Road
- Hill View Manor
- All Uploads
- Undisclosed Residence B
- Undisclosed Residence A
- Ogura's Martial Arts Studio
Brand New Full Investigation Series- Our Haunted Minds
Please follow the link in this video or the description below in order to subscribe to Eric McGill's new paranormal investigation series, Our Haunted Minds. Eric is now a part of the Resident Undead team, and is joined in this new series by one of his team mates, David Woolever. In this new series, Eric and David will travel to different paranormal hot spots in order to test their unusual theories.....
Subscribe to Our Haunted Minds
Watch their first full length paranormal investigation of The Madison Seminary
Paranormal Investigation of The Hinsdale House
Whether you call it The Hinsdale House, or The Dandy House, one thing is for certain….this old small farm home has an unusual amount of paranormal activity present. Experienced paranormal investigators, hobbyists, psychic mediums, and general eye witnesses have reported an array of extreme activity including shadow figures, apparitions, physical altercations, nightmares, and other forms of strange spirit interaction. One of the strong presences said to reside in the home is a shadow figure known only by the name “Wilhelm”. Many believe that this intimidating entity has been seen and documented by investigators and psychic mediums on multiple occasions. In this documentary and investigation, friends of EctoVision share their incredible findings and personal experiences that they believe may have came as a direct result of their interaction with this spirit.
Although this has not been confirmed, there have also been rumors that there may have been Native American ties to the land prior to the current home’s construction which foundations date back to the mid (circa) 1850’s. In the 1970’s it’s said that the house itself had an exorcism by a priest due to the extreme malevolent activity that was affecting a family with small children. Many of the specific details are unknown about their horrifying experiences as it’s said that the family will no longer comment about what had taken place during their time spent in this home. Taking into consideration what this family has been through, the paranormal community has kindly respected their wishes and their privacy by no longer reaching out to them regarding these traumatizing events with questions.
This video features interviews with psychic medium Amy Perry Lane of Para Expeditions, Denise Marie and Chas Saia of Paranormal Crossroads LIVE, Jackie Sciandra (granddaughter of former owner), Timothy Morsch and Cat Opich of Wayland Paranormal Spiritualism Society, and current owner, author, and paranormal investigator Daniel Klaes.
Please join Eric, Shawn, Amber, Tom, Bobby, Chris and Marcus as they investigate the house that is said to be one of the most haunted places in all of The United States.
Shadow figure video provided by Timothy Morsch of Wayland Paranormal Spiritualism Society
Shadow figure image courtesy of Chas Saia of Paranormal Crossroads LIVE
Paranormal Investigation of The Monroe House
There are those that refer to The Monroe House as “the demon house”. The news of dark activity and a malevolent presence in the home has spread throughout the paranormal community like wild fire. There are rumors that suggest that certain nefarious rituals have been performed within the house. Many believe that these ceremonies may be the root cause of some of the violent and disturbing attacks that have been reported by guests and even experienced paranormal investigators.
In this documentary and paranormal investigation, EctoVision Paranormal travels Hartford City Indiana in order investigate numerous shocking claims of activity. Many of their close friends and fellow paranormal investigators have had powerful experiences while inside of The Monroe House. This investigation features interviews with owner Eddie Norris, and a local that is new to paranormal investigating named Hannah. Special guest investigator Brendan Shay joins the team along with a special appearance from their dear friend and seasoned paranormal investigator, Jeff Fent.
It’s probable that no one will ever know the exact reason why spirits seem to reside at The Monroe House. As far as Ectovision is concerned, they’re on a mission to gain interaction and communication from any form of presence that is willing or able to come through with a message. As always, compassion and respect for the resident paranormal occupants is their top priority.
Residence J...A child that is able to see and hear a paranormal presence
At a private residence in Parma Ohio, a child is thought by her parents to be able to hear and see someone that no one else can. During the initial interview, one of the parents (or clients) suggested that their daughter may be communicating with the spirit of her grandfather who had recently passed away.
Residence E...A Camera Moves on it's own.. then EVP's are captured
At a private residence in Coshocton Ohio, a camera moves all on its own! Strangely after this, EVP’s are captured on two separate cameras. The voices sound the same, and appear to be saying the same word. The amazing thing is that each voice was recorded in different areas of the house, at completely different times…..