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Hotel Del Coronado

Hotel Del Coronado


 Haunted Location

Ghostwatch N. America
Views: 2,337
Report by: Ghostwatch
"Odd noises, spirited breezes, strange faces and the ghostly figure of a young lady wearing a black lace dress have been reported here."
Report ID: 45

Hotel Del Coronado

The Hotel Coronado is over 150 years old, located on Coronado Island just off the coast of San Diego.

Some of the strange occurrences that have been reported are: odd noises, spirited breezes, strange faces and the ghostly figure of a young lady wearing a black lace dress. The name of one of the spirits is known as Kate Morgan, aka Lottie Bernard. Lottie signed the register and told the desk clerk that she would be awaiting the arrival of her husband. Three days later when her husband still had not shown up, the hotel inquired about the payment of the bill Lottie had accrued. That same day Lottie went to the mainland and purchased a gun.

The next morning Lottie’s lifeless body was found outside on the stairs and her gun was two steps above her. The death was recorded as a suicide. Many people have questioned this, however. A more detailed review of the evidence might suggest a murder. Is that the reason Lottie cannot rest in peace. We will probably never know for sure. Or, is Lottie still awaiting her husband’s arrival? Others have died at the hotel, so Lottie is very likely not alone.

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Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary ...

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