I have been out to the old prison in Jackson,Mi many times.this place is a place that you can catch a lot of spirits. We have pics, video, and even voice records on the place. Every night I have gone out to the Old Prison. I have felt something grab my butt and even pull my hair, and the feeling like someone was holding me back from moving like they had their arms around me.
My other half who is a member of the Black Circle Paranormal always went out with me and he one night felt like someone was pushing him back away from me and grabbing at his ankle. When we got home he looked at his legs and he had marks on the bottom of his legs and his ankles.
We even have a pic where we caught a ghost. He was a full body apparition with red eyes. It looked like he was looking out of the fog, walking at us. The pic was amazing when we looked at it and clear as can be as if the spirit wanted us to know he was there.
I have added a few pics including the one with red eyes. My partner and me in the pics were not smoking or vaping and there was no fog around us. It only showed up in the pics. Please let me know what you see in the pics. I have seen may things in the pics but just because I have seen many things does not mean I might not have missed something or you guys might see something that I did not see at all. Sometimes more people looking at the pics help.
Thank you~~ love ya all from Rozie and Black Circle Paranormal xoxox