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310 Rosedale circle

310 Rosedale circle


 Haunted Location

Ghostwatch N. America
Views: 1,805
Report by: RavenDevine
"310 Rosedale Cir, Belen, NM is a single family home that contains 1,726 sq ft and was built in 1950."
Report ID: 132

310 Rosedale circle

This house has someone living in it. The people living in the house had some ghost hunting teams come out and investigate it. However, those teams refuse to come back to the house. their advise to the people "Move out". This location has a many ghosts that live in it. We have found out there is a confederate soldier named George in the house. there is a little girl they named Sara. there is other spirits that have not given names. There is evp's of growling, demonic voice, and people talking. There is things that get moved all the time. People get touched all the time. the animals at times growl and look up for no reason. sightings of shadow people, and spirits walking around the house. 

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Unexplained Phenomena

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