In October 2014, I suffered my second heart attack following quad heart bypass surgery. I died for around two minutes, twenty-one seconds. Three minutes is the point of brain damage. Now for me there was no tunnel or bright light, neither visions of hell. I saw me in a room and there were huge men in white around my bedside and two standing guard outside the door They were indeed bright and I was at peace. I was clueless as to being dead.
This, my story is an exclusive here as it's never been published. I've seen lights and orbs in the past but I never placed a great deal or importance in them until I came home from the Hospital. My staff here at American Paranormal Society moved into the house to provide me with the around the clock that I needed, and, for that, I shall always be in their debt.
I awoke one night and look at the far wall in my bedroom. Now light bothers me so when I say I have a dark bedroom......It is DARK! All of a sudden, a white light about the size of the end of an adult finger formed and started it's slow movement across the wall. Before it reached the corner of the room, it went out like a switch got turned off.
I was wide awake as the pain was almost too intense to deal with, and my next dose of morphine was an hour away. My chest will never grow back together so it's held together by 5 wires. This should give you an idea of the level of pain that I was speaking of. I may never tell the complete story other that what you will find here.
I became used to the lights because the appeared more often. Without warning, and always alone. This was starting to raise my blood pressure, so I began to always have a camera handy. to this day I've been unable to capture my little visitor in the act. I'm not one to give up so this is still a plan in progress.
Not longer that I was awaken by someone, (or something), pulling on my big toe of the right foot. This is still going on and a house where all is asleep and the doors all locked. Now they have started patting on the instep of my right foot until I wake up. Nothing is ever seen nor responds to my voice asking questions on a digital tape recorder. All video cameras have shown is me tossing and turning as I can't lie in one position for long at a time.
Someday I hope we can catch whatever it is in action to prove I'm neither crazy or a liar. I'm almost 100% sure that something came back with me. My crew is my family since my Mom passed in 1999 ending my blood line. Perhaps I have a guardian with me or perhaps it telling me my demise is near. I can't seem to get over one until something else happens. I've had a broken ankle repaired with screws and plates. That's been 6 months and it's not healing. I hope if I can't that my crew will be able to post findings on here to help those who maybe going through the same thing or something quite like it. I will be posting more as new evidence rears it's ugly head.