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French Lick Apparition

French Lick Apparition


 Spirit Apparition

Ghostwatch N. America
Views: 1,957
Report by: psychicmed
"French Lick Resort is one of two sulfur spring resorts in the town of the same name. Both have been remodeled in recent years."
Report ID: 52

French Lick Apparition

My husband and I were sitting on the veranda of the resort late one hot summer night when we suddenly caught a chill. He mentioned he was cold and wanted to go in. We were alone and I asked him to stay a while longer since we rarely had time away from our 3 kids. He sat back down in his rocking chair. Suddenly he said where'd that guy go? We were at the end of a long veranda. I looked down the length of the entire veranda then back at him to see if he was joking. The shocked look on his face told me he was serious. "What guy"? I asked." That guy that was just here." he said. I looked again and the only other person I saw was the valet way down the grand stairway at the parking lot.

He started telling me of a tall guy with curly black hair in a uniform. The guy was wearing a red waistcoat and black pants with stripes on the sides. He wore a pillbox hat and carried a tray with two glasses of champagne. He became very nervous and went down to the valet to ask him for a cigarette. My husband asked the valet where the guy went on the veranda. He said we don't have anyone here who dresses like that. The valet went on to say before renovation he and his friends used to come there at night and whole parties of ghosts in period clothing would be seen coming through the doors. He said the redeye from Chicago used to stop at the resort and the mob would come there He said that there is a graveyard at the race track out back because mobsters would shoot people in the stables and bury them in the center of the track.

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