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Decebal Hotel Ghost

Decebal Hotel Ghost


 Spirit Apparition

Ghostwatch Europe
Views: 3,744
Report by: Ghostwatch
"The hotel has been closed for renovations for five years but the people who ventured inside claim to have seen and photographed the ghost."
Report ID: 46

Decebal Hotel Ghost

The ghost of a tall woman is said to haunt the Decebal Hotel, in the Baile Herculane mountain spa. It is said to roam through the hallways and staircases of the abandoned hotel. The 150-year-old hotel is believed to hide ancient Roman treasure under its foundations and the ghost is said by locals to keep treasure hunters away.The hotel has been closed for renovations for years but people who have ventured inside claimed to have seen and photographed the ghost. Usually watching the staircases around the Baile Herculane spa.

Victoria Iovan, 33, from Baile Herculane, said: "I photographed my boyfriend in the hotel. Back home I was shocked to see another woman's shadow in the picture. She looked like a priestess in long white clothes."

Another witness, a high school student called Alexandra, said he and six classmates went into the hotel late one evening for fun. "All of a sudden we felt a cold air and we saw a white silhouette close to us. We couldn't find our way out because we ran so fast," he said.

Local authorities have warned people not to go into the hotel because they say it is unsafe because of the building work.

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